Remember when we used to do those cosmo quizzes to find out our ‘type’... wouldn’t it be great if there were easy ‘finders’ like that for other areas of our life? How about this.. Our delta girl Style finder - want a gallery wall but just can't make a decision? We’re here to help! Check out these 7 categories below to help decide which wall works best for you!
Coastal Girl: You LOVE beachy vibes. And even if you don't *actually* live by the beach - why not feel those fresh coastal vibes often. Check out a couple of my favs!
Transitional Girl: You’re kinda traditional.. But you’re kinda modern (but modern with a lowercase M)... Some neutral, some wood tones, and some classics that still wow. We got you covered with the below options!

8-Piece Gilded Molly Collection
White + Bright... We know your type. Let’s keep it white and bright and just layered and beautiful. We know JUST the thing for you.. Frames with great texture, loaded with style, but subtle and stunning…
Modern... Hey modern girl! You’re sophisticated and your walls should be the same. We’re keeping it classic black and white with some pops of gold.. But designs that just exude cool…
Classic Black & White Faves (10 Piece)
COLORful Command – Hey you busy boss… you want something that brings a happy smile to your face.. But you love a multi taskign moment. How about this? Party gallery wall, party happy color pop.. It’s got it all.